Sunday, March 29, 2015

Written Language

Click on the image to have a look at some of the children's writing from Room 13.
Room 13 Writing 2015

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Hanmer Camp - Parent Meeting

Dear Parents,

This is the information that was shared in the Parent Meeting about Hanmer Camp. If you have any questions or queries please contact me.



Sunday, March 22, 2015

Cross Country 2015

It was a fantastic scene at Jellie Park today, as the Year 4 to 8 children competed at the Christ the King School Cross Country. The children thoroughly enjoyed themselves and persevered when their legs wanted to give up. Well done to all the children who competed and although the parent support. There was a great atmosphere.
More photos will be coming shortly of the children competing in the Cross Country.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Cause of World War One

This video is great to teach the children about the cause of World War One and the war in brief.

Kindness Boomerang - Prayers

In Room 13 we have used the above clip a few times for prayers, and Jamie also shared this video at our school assembly earlier in the year. It has such a powerful message and is relevant to how we should live each day.

Recount Writing

In writing this week, the students have been exploring the recount writing genre using the prompt, 'embarrassing moments'. Some students exclaimed that they had never been embarrassed and therefore the task was too difficult. As a class we discussed some of our embarassing moments and then the flood gates opened, and people had many ideas.

The moment I shared with the class was more about my friend being embarrassed. In talking about our ideas, the children begin to formulate their thoughts and sequence their ideas. I began my sharing with the ending and then using this hook, I explained how the moment evolved.

During writing time I also write with the children to model firstly writing but also the importance of proofreading, editing and sharing with an audience.

Anzac Day Liturgy Notice